QPanda3  0.1.0
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OpenQASM (Open Quantum Assembly Language) is an imperative programming language with characteristics similar to a Hardware Description Language (HDL). It was launched by IBM in July 2017 as part of its quantum computing platform. OpenQASM can describe general quantum computations using circuit models, measurement-based models, and recent quantum computing experiments.

It is currently one of the most widely used quantum assembly languages and has been updated to version 3.0. However, QPanda3 currently only supports OpenQASM 2.0 syntax rules.

Currently, the new release of QPanda3 has the following updates compared to the older version of QPanda2 regarding the OpenQASM module:
  • First, QPanda3's OpenQASM interface for translating QProg supports program comment parsing.
  • Second, the OpenQASM part of QPanda3 only supports operations such as applying quantum bit and register, quantum logic gate, Custom Gate, and measurement, but not operations such as quantum conditional judgment (QIF), quantum cyclic control (QWHILE), classical expressions, and RESET.
  • Finally, when executing large quantum program translations, compared to QPanda2's translation interface, QPanda3's translation interface is executed about 4.0 times more efficiently (located in Ubuntu 22.04 environment).
    // QPanda2's translation interface
    def convert_qasm_to_qprog(file_path: str, machine: QuantumMachine) -> list
    def convert_qasm_string_to_qprog(qasm_str: str, machine: QuantumMachine) -> list
    // QPanda3's translation interface
    def convert_qasm_file_to_qprog(file_path: str) -> QProg
    def convert_qasm_string_to_qprog(qasm_str: str) -> QProg

OpenQASM Program Example

Similar to the syntax rules in the OriginIR introduction, here is an example of OpenQASM:

include "qelib1.inc";
qreg q[10];
creg c[10];
x q[0];
h q[1];
tdg q[2];
sdg q[2];
cx q[0],q[2];
cx q[1],q[4];
u1(pi) q[0];
u2(pi,pi) q[1];
u3(pi,pi,pi) q[2];
cz q[2],q[5];
ccx q[3],q[4],q[6];
cu3(pi,pi,pi) q[0],q[1];
measure q[2] -> c[2];
measure q[0] -> c[0];

OpenQASM is a quantum programming language based on the style of C and assembly languages, designed for writing quantum algorithms. It provides a basic syntax for quantum computing, supporting the declaration of quantum and classical registers, invocation of common quantum gates (such as CNOT and single-qubit transformation gates), and execution of measurement operations, among others. Users can define quantum algorithms and perform quantum computing programming using these fundamental constructs.

Version String

The first non-comment line of an OpenQASM program should specify OPENQASM M.m, where M represents the major version and m represents the minor version. An example is as follows:

The version string should not appear multiple times (outside of comments), nor should it appear anywhere other than the first non-comment line.

Included file

In OpenQASM programs, when using built-in quantum gates and quantum instructions, it is necessary to import standard library files beforehand. In this case, the standard library qelib1.inc for OpenQASM 2 is used. An example is as follows:

include "qelib1.inc";

The statement include "filename"; will parse the file name as if the content of the file is inserted at the location of the include statement. This statement can only be used in the global scope.

Quantum Bit

OpenQASM typically uses qubit or qreg to allocate quantum bits and registers. The statement qubit name declares a reference to a quantum bit, and the statement qubit[size] name or qreg name[size] declares a quantum register of size size. The size parameter size must always be a non-negative integer that is constant at compile time, and the quantum register cannot be resized after declaration. An example is as follows:

// 1.qubit name
qubit q0;
// 2.qubit[size] name
qubit[5] q1;
// 3.qreg name[size]
qreg q2[5];

The above statements declare one quantum bit and two quantum registers, each of size 5.

Quantum-type variables must be declared and initialized one variable at a time. No type allows comma-separated declarations/initializations. An example is as follows:
qubit q0;
qubit q1;
qubit q2;

Classical Scalar Type

OpenQASM supports classical scalar types as well as type-related operations, where types include classical bit type, integer, float-point number, boolean, classical angle, and so on. The following is a brief introduction to types.

Classical-type variables must be declared and initialized one variable at a time. No type allows comma-separated declarations/initializations. An example is as follows:
bit q0;
bit q1;
bit q2;

Classical Bit and Register

Classical bit type has values of 0 or 1. Classical register is an static array of bit. Classical register simulates the state of certain controllers in an OpenQASM program.

OpenQASM typically uses bit or creg to allocate classical bits and registers. The statement bit name declares a classical bit, and the statement bit[size] name or creg name[size] declares a classical register of size size. The size parameter size must always be a non-negative integer that is constant at compile time, and the classical register cannot be resized after declaration. An example is as follows:

// 1.bit name
bit c0;
// 2.bit[size] name
bit[5] c1;
// 3.creg name[size]
creg c2[5];

The above statements declare one classical bit and two classical registers, each of size 5.

Other Classical Type

OpenQASM also supports n-bit signed integers int and unsigned integers uint, floating-point numbers float, the type angle for representing classical angles, Boolean type bool, compile-time constants const, and others. An example is as follows:

// 1.int/uint
uint[32] integer0 = 10; // Declare a 32-bit unsigned integer
int[16] integer1; // Declare a 16 bit signed integer
integer1 = int[16](integer0);
int integer2; // Declare a machine-sized integer
// 2.float
float[32] floatnum0 = π; // Declare a single-precision 32-bit float
float floatnum1 = 2.3; // Declare a machine-precision float.
// 3.angle
angle[2] anglnum0 = π/2; // Declare a 2-bit angle with the value of "π/2"
angle anglnum1; // Declare a machine-sized angle
// 4.bool
bit bit0 = 0;
bool boolean0;
boolean0 = bit0; // Assign a cast bit to a boolean
// 5.const
const uint SIZE = 32; // Declares a compile-time unsigned integer.
qubit[SIZE] q; // Declares a 32-qubit register called `q1`.
int[SIZE] integer3; // Declares a signed integer called `i1` with 32 bits.

Quantum Logic Gate

The standard library files in OpenQASM categorize the built-in gates as follows:

  • Single-qubit gates: Their keywords include p, x, y, z, h, s, sdg, t, tdg, sx, rx, ry, rz, phase, id, u1, u2, u3, and their usage format is gate(params) qbit. An example is as follows:
    qubit[4] q;
    h q;
    sdg q[0];
    rx(3.14 / 2) q[2];
    h q[1];
    t q[3];
  • Two-qubit gates: Their keywords include cx, cy, cz, cp, crx, cry, crz, ch, cu, swap, cphase, and their usage format is gate(params) qbit1, qbit2. An example is as follows:
    qubit[4] q;
    h q;
    U3(0, 0, 3.14 / 2) q[0];
    CX q[0], q[1];
    U3(0, 0, -3.14 / 2) q[1];
    CX q[2], q[3];
    U3(0, 0, 3.14 / 2) q[2];
  • Three-qubit gates: Their keywords include cxx and cswap, and their usage format is gate(params) qbit1, qbit2, qbit3. An example is as follows:
    qubit[4] q;
    x q[0];
    y q[1];
    z q[2];
    cswap q[0], q[1], q[2];
It is important to note that for all single-qubit gate operations, the target quantum bit can be either the entire quantum bit array or a single quantum bit. When it is the entire quantum bit array, for example:
h q;
When the quantum bit array size is 3, it is equivalent to:
h q[0];
h q[1];
h q[2];

Measurement Operation

OpenQASM typically uses the keyword measure to perform a measurement operation on the specified target quantum bit and assign the measurement result to the target classical bit or classical bit array. The usage format is measure qbit -> cbit, where the target quantum bit qbit can be either the entire quantum bit array or a single quantum bit, and the target classical bit cbit can be either the entire classical bit array or a single classical bit. An example is as follows:

measure q[0] -> c[0];
If the number of allocated quantum bits and classical registers is the same, you can use q to represent all quantum bits and c to represent all classical bits. An example is as follows:
measure q -> c;
If both the number of quantum bits and classical bits is 3, it is equivalent to:
measure q[0] -> c[0];
measure q[1] -> c[1];
measure q[2] -> c[2];

Custom Gate Operation

OpenQASM supports custom layered quantum gate operation with the keyword gate. The usage format is gate name(params) qbits { ... }. An example is as follows:

qubit[4] q;
gate my_gate01(param) qarg1, qarg2 {
U3(0, 0, param / 2) qarg1;
CX qarg2, qarg1;
U3(0, 0, - param / 2) qarg2;
CX qarg1, qarg2;
U3(0, 0, param / 2) qarg1;
gate my_gate02 qarg1, qarg2 {
h qarg2;
sdg qarg2;
CX qarg1, qarg2;
h qarg2;
t qarg2;
CX qarg1, qarg2;
t qarg2;
h qarg2;
my_gate01(3.14 / 2) q[2], q[3];
my_gate02 q[0], q[1];

OpenQASM Conversion Tool

QPanda provides a set of OpenQASM conversion tools, primarily used for the one-way translation of quantum programs from QProg to OpenQASM. OpenQASM is a quantum assembly language used to represent quantum program information. QProg is a container class for quantum programming and represents the highest unit of a quantum program. The following will provide a detailed introduction to the interface definitions and usage of these conversion tools.

  • Translate the OpenQASM instruction set string into a QProg object.
  • Translate the OpenQASM instruction set file into a QProg object.

OpenQASM String Translation to QProg

The compilation module of QPanda defines convert_qasm_string_to_qprog for translating the OpenQASM instruction set string into a QProg object.

The following is a simple example of an interface call that demonstrates the process of converting an OpenQASM instruction set string into a quantum program QProg:

The output is as follows:

Result(stv) of running qprog:
( 0.010496566630281416 , -0.4013645559739494 )
( -0.010496566630281416 , -0.2978021782757585 )
( 0.010496566630281416 , -0.4013645559739494 )
( -0.010496566630281416 , -0.2978021782757585 )
( -0.010496566630281416 , -0.2978021782757585 )
( 0.010496566630281416 , -0.4013645559739494 )
( 0.010496566630281416 , 0.2978021782757585 )
( -0.010496566630281416 , 0.4013645559739494 )
┌─────────────────┐ ┌─┐ ┌─┐
q_0: |0>─┤U3(0.3, 0.2, 0.1)├ ────── ───*── ┤H├─── ─┤M├── ─── ────
├─┬───────────────┘ ┌──┴─┐ └┬┴┐ └╥┘
q_1: |0>─┤H├──────────────── ───*── ┤CNOT├ ─┤M├── ──╫─── ─── ────
└─┘ ┌──┴─┐ ├─┬──┘ └╥┼─┐ ║┌─┐ ┌─┐ ┌─┐
q_2: |0>──────────────────── ┤CNOT├ ┤Z├─── ──╫┤X├ ──╫┤Y├ ┤H├ ─┤M├
└────┘ └─┘ ║└─┘ ║└─┘ └─┘ └╥┘
c : / ═════════════════════════════════════╩══════╩══════════╩═
1 0 2
For unsupported operation types, errors may occur during the conversion of OpenQASM to a quantum program.

OpenQASM File Translation to QProg

The compilation module of QPanda defines convert_qasm_file_to_qprog for translating the OpenQASM instruction set file into a QProg object.

The following is a simple example of an interface call that demonstrates the process of converting an OpenQASM instruction set file into a quantum program QProg:

The output is as follows:

Result(stv) of running qprog:
( 0.010496566630281416 , -0.4013645559739494 )
( -0.010496566630281416 , -0.2978021782757585 )
( 0.010496566630281416 , -0.4013645559739494 )
( -0.010496566630281416 , -0.2978021782757585 )
( -0.010496566630281416 , -0.2978021782757585 )
( 0.010496566630281416 , -0.4013645559739494 )
( 0.010496566630281416 , 0.2978021782757585 )
( -0.010496566630281416 , 0.4013645559739494 )
┌─────────────────┐ ┌─┐ ┌─┐
q_0: |0>─┤U3(0.3, 0.2, 0.1)├ ────── ───*── ┤H├─── ─┤M├── ─── ────
├─┬───────────────┘ ┌──┴─┐ └┬┴┐ └╥┘
q_1: |0>─┤H├──────────────── ───*── ┤CNOT├ ─┤M├── ──╫─── ─── ────
└─┘ ┌──┴─┐ ├─┬──┘ └╥┼─┐ ║┌─┐ ┌─┐ ┌─┐
q_2: |0>──────────────────── ┤CNOT├ ┤Z├─── ──╫┤X├ ──╫┤Y├ ┤H├ ─┤M├
└────┘ └─┘ ║└─┘ ║└─┘ └─┘ └╥┘
c : / ═════════════════════════════════════╩══════╩══════════╩═
1 0 2
For unsupported operation types, errors may occur during the conversion of OpenQASM to a quantum program.